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Ulbricht Nutcrackers

Ulbricht NutcrackerUlbricht Nutcrackers History

Ulbricht Nutcrackers are among the most popularly collection nutcrackers today. Ulbricht has been producing nutcrackers for many decades, since the very first by Otto Ulbricht in the early 1900s. Originally from Seiffen, Otto Ulbricht moved his family to West Germany in Lauingen to continue his profitable nutcracker business after private industry was taken from individuals when World War II ended. Christian Ulbrecht took over his father’s Nutcracker business in 1968. When Germany became reunited, several years after Otto moved his family’s empire, Christian was able to purchase the Ulbricht family factory in Erzgebirge, while keeping a factory in Lauingen. The Ulbricht Nutcrackers are now successfully produced in both locations.
Christian’s son Gunther remains at the factory in Lauingen while his daughter Enis manages the factory in Seiffen. Being a family run business helps to ensure that the Ulbricht Nutcrackers still hold the tradition and heritage that was evident in the earlier pieces. Christian Ullbricht still creates Nutcracker samples which are used as patterns for the carvers who will ultimately produce the finished pieces. The tradition of using hand carving and freehand painting for Ulbricht Nutrackers has been maintained throughout the company’s history and the nutcrackers that they produce today still have the highest quality that came with the pieces that Otto himself created.
The Ulbricht Nutcrackers are now well into their third generation and the Ulbricht family has continued to manufacture hand carved pieces that fit the highest quality standards. The history of each piece is evident as is the tradition of the production process. Ulbricht Nutcrackers are highly popular collector’s items which increase in value as they age. The Ullbricht family has maintained this high level of quality throughout world wars and personal turmoil and are continuing to produce the unique and beautiful Ulbrecht nutcrackers that the world has come to love.

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